This blog is dedicated to understanding, researching, and learning about health, chemicals, what's inside our food and the things we use, and how to make better choices.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
natural remedies...
If you are like me, I would rather use a natural remedy to heal my family if possible. Check this one out, try it, and let me know if you like it!
This link takes you to the article, where there are 12 natural remedies for winter aches and chills.
The Daily Green...
Thyme for a Cough
If the worrying news about over-the-counter cough syrup has you down, try this natural alternative:
Add three tablespoons of dried thyme to one pint of boiling water. Let cool, then add one cup of honey. Take one teaspoon every hour as needed. You can store the mix in the fridge for up to three months.
Another option: vitamin C-rich ziziphus fruit tea.
what do colors(additives) in our food do? worse than you think!
Well, we know staying as close to nature is ALWAYS best. We even have a GREAT, GREAT, EXCELLENT, GREAT book that talks about Green light food, Yellow light foods, and Red light foods. Green light food you can eat anytime, which are fruits and vegetables. Yellow light foods, sometimes you can eat them, tortillas, peanut butter, whatever is generally healthy, but not as good as green lights. Then there's Red light foods that you should never eat. Like, hmmm, orange cheese puffs? Or any other food that has a nice appealing color to it, that it wouldn't normally have unless a human chemically made it that way!
Well, what we in our family call "red light foods" now have even been linked to ADHD. Think of that. Chemicals and additives in foods can harm you! It's such an easy concept, but I was never taught that what you eat affects your body. I've had to learn that through having health issues, and making sure what I put in is giving me a lot of benefit.
You may think again before handing your children a brightly colored lollipop after this article from The Daily Green!
State May Ban Food Additives Linked to ADHD
Maryland shoppers may see warning labels on many foods soon, and a ban on suspect food additive chemicals by 2012. Check labels for these 8 suspect chemical food colorings.
Maryland is poised to become the first state in the nation to require food packaging to include warning labels if the product is made with certain food coloring additives that have been linked to ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
An outright ban would follow by 2012.
Like a bill in any state legislature, this one has a long way to go. But two bills introduced recently would set those new rules, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which has argued for stricter Food and Drug Administration regulation of food additives since two British studies linked certain food colorings to hyperactivity and related behavioral problems in children. Hearings on the proposed laws are scheduled for this week.
"Evidence linking Red 40, Yellow 5, and other synthetic food dyes to behavioral problems in children has been mounting for 30 years," said David Schardt, the organization's senior nutritionist. "The Food and Drug Administration should have banned the dyes years ago and responsible manufacturers could have stopped using them voluntarily. But since they haven't, state legislatures have an opportunity and responsibility to protect children from these chemicals. I hope Senator Stone’s legislation is adopted and inspires other state legislatures to similarly put the interest of children ahead of the convenience of junk-food companies."
European regulation, according to CSPI, are already more strict: "For instance, the syrup in a strawberry sundae from a McDonald's in the U.K. gets its red color from strawberries; in the U.S., the red color comes from synthetic Red 40. In the U.S., synthetic food dyes are common in brightly colored foods popular with children, including candies, soft drinks, breakfast cereals, and snack foods. Sometimes the sunny synthetic colors are designed to simulate fruits or vegetables, as in the case of a "Guacamole Dip" produced by Kraft, which gets its green color not from avocados but from Yellow 5, Yellow 6, and Blue 1. The "artificially flavored blueberry bits" in Aunt Jemima Blueberry Waffles are blue thanks to Red 40 and Blue 2, not blueberries."
Which food colorings should you look out for? If Maryland's food warning bill passes, these chemical additives would bear the following warning: Warning: The color additives in this food may cause hyperactivity and behavior problems in some children.
* Blue 1
* Blue 2
* Green 3
* Orange B
* Red 3
* Red 40
* Yellow 5
* Yellow 6
Monday, February 9, 2009
does organic make a difference?...
The ewg...environment working group is such a phenominal resource. If you have any questions about something, they are a not-for-profit agency researching for the betterment of people and society. This article is very helpful for those of us who want our kids to eat fruit, and not the pesticides in the fruit. But what is more important if you have to choose? Organic can be quite pricey. Click on the link in the article, and it will take you to a quick reference of what's most important to buy organic, and maybe some things that aren't so worrisome. After 43,000 studies, this list is hopefully beneficial and educational to all.
Ever Wonder?
Pesticides & Organics, Alan Greene
Published October 21, 2003
Like many parents, you may want to buy organic foods for your children, but feel it's just too expensive. One way you can shop to make a very real difference is to buy the organic version of products that carry the highest chemical load when "grown conventionally" or as I like to say, "grown chemically".
On my personal high-priority list for organically grown foods are meat and dairy products followed by fruits and vegetables.
Have you ever wondered which fruits and vegetables will make the biggest difference? Stonyfield Farm and The Environmental Working Group have partnered to create a tool they call the Shopper's Guide, that you can use when shopping. It's a convenient wallet-size guide that you can download from both and The guide lists the 12 produce items that are consistently most- and least-contaminated with pesticides. Even if you only select the most contaminated foods for your organic shopping you'll be making a big difference for your kids' health.
There is an added benefit of buying organic foods. Gary Hirshberg, President and CEO of Stonyfield Farm, and personal friend says, "When consumers 'vote with their wallets' they are helping to solve a global problem with a local
solution. Corporate America sees that the demand for pesticide-free foods is driving the growth of the market. This fact should send a clear message that consumers want healthier food for their families, not the proliferation of pesticides. The Shopper's Guide gives consumers the information they need to make informed purchases - that's why Stonyfield Farm chose to fund this study."
want another diet soda?
Well, after hearing Suzanne Somers speak on Hannity and Colmes awhile back, it was exciting to hear about her research and the findings it brought. Did you know, that two tablespoons of Coke given to an infant(who would do that?) can change their DNA forever? Or that maybe your "diet" soda is making you fatter? Could it be? Well, I just love this topic for some reason. The fact alone, that your drinking a cocktail of yummy chemicals mixed in with carbon dioxide alone sounds like disaster. Well, since I'm not a doctor, here's what they say about the "diet" in soda. Here are exerpts from Dr. Betty's article found on this link:
Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum
July 5, 2008
It's not the caffeine, its the aspartame. It has free methyl alcohol which is classified as a narcotic. It causes chronic methanol poisoning which affects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the addiction. Here is Dr. H. J. Roberts report on the addiction published in Townsend Letter for Doctors:
Aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Canderel/E951/Benevia) is an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with virtually all drugs and vaccines.
Also, with regard to obesity and aspartame, the Trocho Study in Barcelona in l998 showed that the formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol accumulates in the cells and damages DNA with most toxicity in the liver but substantial toxicity in the adipose tissue or fat cells. Further a recent epidemiological study by Sharon Fowler at the University of Texas in 2005 linked diet drinks with obesity.
In the Congressional Record, Senate, S - 5511, May 7, l985, and part of the protest of the National Soft Drink Assn, now American Beverage, is this Statement:
"Aspartame has been demonstrated to inhibit the carbohydrate-induced synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin (Wurtman affidavit). Serotonin blunts the sensation of craving carbohydrates and this is part of the body's feedback system that helps limit consumption of carbohydrate to appropriate levels. Its inhibition by aspartame could lead to the anomalous result of a diet product causing increased consumption of carbohydrates."
So as far as product liability is concerned you have companies marketing an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug to the population as a sugarfree diet product knowing full well this is causing obesity. They also know that aspartame is addictive and that the methanol component is classified as a narcotic. Aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol causing chronic methanol poisoning. This affects the dopamine system of the brain causing the addiction.
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum
Founder, Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
breast cancer link to chemical exposure...
Today an article came out from ewg(environmental working group) about the link between breast cancer and being exposed to chemicals, from the soap we use to the perfume we wear(I don't wear perfume), to the toothpaste we put in our mouth, all are made up of chemicals. The world around us, is made up of chemicals. So how do we immune ourselves, or intake a lesser amount, so as to not contribute ourselves to the continually growing number of cancer victims? Nobody knows, but probably ingesting and rubbing on your body less amounts probably could help. Also, having a a government that could realistically set some good standards for companies to adhere to could lessen the blow substantially. But until then, it's even more our battle to fight for regulation, to be aware of what we're using and eating, and to inform others...if they care to know!
Read ahead...
EWG: Toxics
Breast Cancer Fund study finds strong cancer-chemical link
Posted: 09 Feb 2009 12:01 AM CST
A new survey of scientific evidence conducted by researchers working with the Breast Cancer Fund makes a persuasive case that the industrialized world's rising breast cancer rate may stem from exposure to radiation and chemicals in plastics, pesticides, cosmetics and other common household goods.
"Increasingly sophisticated and compelling data link radiation and various chemicals in our environment to the current high rates of breast cancer incidence," says the study, "State of the Evidence - The Connection Between Breast Cancer and the Environment," published in the February issue of the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health.
The bottom line, says Vassar College researcher Janet Gray, who led the survey team, is that "we should be concerned about the accumulated set of chemicals to which we are being exposed and to which our children are being exposed."
In a companion article, a team lead by Janet Nudelman, Director of Program and Policy at the Breast Cancer Fund, recommends a set of policy initiatives, among them, an overhaul and strengthening of federal laws that aim to limit human exposure to toxic industrial chemicals and pesticides.
The scientists targeted so-called "endocrine-disrupting" chemicals that cause changes in the body's hormone systems. They called for immediate bans on two endocrine-disruptors shown in laboratory tests to trigger cancer and other serious conditions:
Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic estrogen and building block of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resin, associated with damage to the brain and neurological system and reproductive organs of lab animals. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY, and Rep. Edward Markey, D-MA, have proposed bills to limit use of BPA in food contact or children's products.
Phthalates, used as solvents and as "plasticizers" to make plastics like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) more flexible and resilient. Phthalates have been shown to cause abnormalities in male reproductive systems. A federal ban on phthalates in toys, teethers, bibs and other children's products takes effect tomorrow (February 10, 2009).
"The picture of breast cancer causation that emerges is complex," said Breast Cancer Fund president Jeanne Rizzo. "While there is no single smoking gun, the trends that emerge lead us to stop asking IF there is a link between breast cancer and synthetic chemicals, and to instead ask how to act to reduce our exposure, given the strong and compelling evidence we now have."
Thursday, February 5, 2009
the importance of vitamin d...
I always knew it was important to take vitamins, well, maybe not always. But as an adult, I figured it didn't hurt. Well, when you are lacking in a vitamin, say, the "d" kind, it can cause all sorts of issues. So imagine not feeling well, and finding out it's because your body doesn't have a sufficient amount of hormones and vitamins it needs. This article is from Dr. Murphree's site-his link is on my blog. Interesting...Vitamin D... who knew it was so important!
Vitamin D to the Rescue!
Vitamin D is one of the oldest hormones, having been produced by life forms for over 750 million years. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and most plants and animals that are exposed to sunlight have the capacity to make vitamin D. In humans, vitamin D is critically important for the development, growth, and maintenance of a healthy body, from birth until death.
The Institute of Medicine brought experts together recently to explore the question of whether the RDA or recommended daily allowance, of vitamin D has been set too low. The impetus for the occasion was the mounting evidence for this vitamin's role in preventing common cancers, autoimmune diseases, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, and osteoporosis.
Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is common in the U.S.
According to Michael F. Holick, MD, PhD, of the Boston University School of Medicine the typical symptoms are aching bones and muscle discomfort, vitamin D deficiency is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Vitamin D has also been implicated in the cause of various other health disorders including influenza, psoriasis, gout, otosclerosis, interstitial cystitis, decreased pulmonary function, thrombosis, chronic kidney disease, pancreatitis, rheumatology, hepatitis B infections, hemochromatosis, and gastrointestinal diseases.
Research at a Glance
Autoimmune Illnesses
Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Reiter's Syndrome. lupus, asthma, and ulcerative colitis. Researchers are discovering an increasing number of links between the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. Hormones of the endocrine system, such as vitamin D, help the immune and nervous systems defend the body, with defects in this intricate system leading to autoimmune disorders.
Research has shown that low maternal vitamin D3 has important ramifications for the developing brain. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone with many important functions in the brain, mediated through the nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR). Dysfunctional VDR demonstrate altered emotional behavior and specific motor deficits.
Vitamin D inhibits inappropriate cell division and metastasis, reduces blood vessel formation around tumors, and regulates proteins that affect tumor growth. It also enhances anti-cancer actions of immune system chemicals and chemotherapy drugs.
A four-year study of 1,179 healthy, postmenopausal women showed that taking calcium, along with nearly three times the U.S. government's recommendation of vitamin D3, showed a dramatic 60 percent or greater reduction in all forms of cancer.
It's estimated that if vitamin D levels were increased worldwide, a minimum of 600,000 cases of breast and other cancers could be prevented each year. Nearly 150,000 cases of cancer could be prevented in the United States alone.
Studies show that by taking vitamin D (about 2,000 IU/day) females can cut breast cancer incidence by half!
Chronic Pain
In a study involving 150 children and adults with unexplained muscle and bone pain, almost all were found to be vitamin D deficient; many were severely deficient with extremely low levels of vitamin D in their bodies.
Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness and pain in children and adults. Muscle pain and weakness was a prominent symptom of vitamin D deficiency in a study of Arab and Danish Moslem women living in Denmark (20).
In a cross-sectional study of 150 consecutive patients referred to a clinic in Minnesota for the evaluation of persistent, nonspecific musculoskeletal pain, 93% had serum 25(OH)D levels indicative of vitamin D deficiency.
Maintenance of serum calcium levels within a narrow range is vital for normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as for bone growth, and maintenance of bone density. Vitamin D is essential for the efficient utilization of calcium by the body.
A recent study found that supplementation of elderly women with 800 IU/day of vitamin D and 1,200 mg/day of calcium for three months increased muscle strength and decreased the risk of falling by almost 50% compared to supplementation with calcium alone.
Mental Function and Moods
Recent research indicates vitamin D deficiency is associated with low mood and cognitive impairment in the elderly. Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in various psychiatric disorders including anxiety and depression.
Vitamin D helps maintain adequate insulin levels. Preliminary evidence suggests supplementation can increase insulin levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Prolonged supplementation may help reduce blood sugar levels.
Immune Function
There is considerable scientific evidence that 1,25(OH)2D has a variety of positive effects on boosting the immune system.
Additionally, there is growing evidence that maintaining vitamin D levels in the body during the winter prevent the flu and other viral infections by strengthening the immune system.
Heart Disease
Activated vitamin D has been shown to increase survival in patients with cardiovascular disease.
Low plasma vitamin D3 has been found to be a major risk factor for hyperparathyroidism.
High Blood Pressure
Clinical and experimental data support the view that vitamin D metabolism is involved in blood pressure regulation and other metabolic processes.
An inability to tan is the number one risk factor for melanoma. Those who tan easily or who have darker skin are far less likely to develop the disease. A new theory is that melanoma is actually caused by sunlight (vitamin D) deficiency and that safe sun exposure actually helps prevent the deadly disease.
Multiple Sclerosis
Vitamin D supplementation may help prevent the development of MS as well as provide for additional treatment.
Low intake and low serum levels of vitamin D appear to be associated with an increased risk for progression of osteoarthritis.
Vitamin D deficiency is extremely prevalent in the elderly. Most often the first symptoms are muscle pain, fatigue, muscular weakness, and gait disturbances. More severe deficiency causes osteomalacia (bone weakening and loss) with deep bone pain, reduced mineralization of bone matrix, and bone fractures.
How much vitamin D does the average person need?
In the summer, those with at least 15 minutes of sun exposure on their skin most days should take around 1,000 mg of vitamin D3 each day. In the winter, those with dark skin, or those who have little sun exposure on their skin, should take up to 4,000 mg each day. Those who have darker skin, are older, avoid sun exposure or live in the northern US should take the higher amounts, around 2,000mg a day.
Vitamin D is remarkably safe; there have been no deaths caused by the vitamin.
People consuming only government-recommended levels of 200-400 IU/day often have blood levels considerably below 50 ng/ml. This means the government's recommendations are too low, and should be raised for optimal health function.
High Dose Vitamin D can be purchased at a number of health food or big name drug stores. However, please be advised that not all vitamin D is equal. I recommend using only pharmaceutical grade, naturally-occurring Vitamin D3.
feel the waves yet?...
Ever thought someone was crazy for not using a microwave? I tossed mine into a closet over a year ago, yes, we've gotten it out a hand full of times, but not more than that. Think it's all just "extreme?" Maybe take a look at the next two articles I have for you. Maybe research the idea, and see where you come in. Just think about your head in front of a microwave as it cooks, or your child's faces peering over the counter watching whatever is cooking in the microwave. Hmmm...
this article is from
The Effects of Microwave Oven Use
Ten Reasons to Throw Out Your Microwave Oven
by Anthony Wayne and Lawrence Newell
From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting in our kitchens. Based on this research, we will conclude this article with the following:
1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term - permanent - brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain [de- polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].
2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.
3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.
4). The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.
5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.
6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.
7). Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America.
8). The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.
9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.
10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.
Have you tossed out your microwave oven yet?
After you throw out your microwave you can use a toaster oven as a replacement. It works well for most and is nearly as quick.
You want to get in on more of the scientific findings? Check out this link. You'll definitely think again about the food your feeding yourself and your family.
Be informed.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
heavy metal, and not the music...
My latest discovery in my research, has been an eye opening one to say the least. Thank goodness my doctors advised I do a toxic heavy metal test, to see if there's an extreme amount, possibly causing issues with my health. The test came back, not only positive, but I have double the amount of mercury in my body than normal, and almost double the amount of lead. You may say, ok, so what. Well, here's so what. Mercury can cause so many illnesses, brain issues, and my newest discovery...HEAVY METALS IN THE BODY, WHEN BUILT UP, CAN EVENTUALLY CAUSE SEVERE ILLNESSES, EVEN CANCER. So even if you are doing organic as I am, and trying to make informed decisions in food, lotions, make-up and so forth in the chemicals to be aware of, you are still exposed to toxic amounts of chemicals. By the time you get ready in the morning, you've been exposed to over 250 chemicals. You breathe, eat, and use things that have absorbent amounts of chemicals. It's our daily life.
You shouldn't freak out or go extreme, but know that everything you put on your skin, it's absorbed into the blood stream. So, if you want to you cleanse your body of heavy metals, as to hopefully withdraw from the cancer market as I do, find a proven, tested product. I will be starting this week, Natural Cellular Defense made by Waiora. I will let you know how it goes, but it safely removes toxins, while leaving all the nutrients your body needs.
To know more about mercury, here's an article from, under health/toxics, children, mercury. Remember, be informed, it won't go away if you aren't educated about it.
Health/Toxics: Mercury
Mercury, a metallic element, is a silvery liquid that vaporizes when heated into a highly toxic, odorless gas. Mercury compounds once common in pesticides and industrial processes are also toxic, causing damage to the brain and nervous system, immune system, enzyme system and genetic system.
The organic compound methylmercury, an environmental contaminant that accumulates in some fish and fish-eating wildlife, is particularly devastating to developing fetuses. The international movement to curb industrial pollution was galvanized by photojournalist W. Eugene Smith’s iconic 1971 photograph of a Japanese mother bathing her blind, deformed daughter, a casualty of a chemical company’s mercury dumping into Minamata Bay. The Minamata catastrophe devastated thousands of lives and forced the U.S., Japan and other nations to confront the mercury pollution problem. U.S. regulators barred the last of the mercury-laden pesticides in 1995. Other industrial uses remain: between 2004 and 2007, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, American industry imported more than 1 million tons of mercury.
In 1997 the Environmental Working Group’s analysis, Contamination of America's Food, concluded that fish from more than 1,660 U.S. waterways were so contaminated with mercury that they should be eaten sparingly or not at all. Soon after, the EPA confirmed that more than 1.6 million women and children could face serious health risks from mercury-contaminated food. But it took two more years for the EPA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to issue warnings to women to limit fish consumption during pregnancy to 12 ounces a week. The FDA failed to caution against excessive consumption of tuna. EWG challenged the agency’s advice as vague and misleading -- and unearthed internal FDA transcripts in which agency officials opined that canned tuna contained enough mercury to harm the developing brain of a baby in the womb.
In January 2004, after the FDA had repeatedly failed to give consumers clear, science-based data, EWG released an interactive Tuna Calculator to help people figure their own safe doses of tuna, based on weight. It advised women of child-bearing age and children under 5 not eat albacore tuna at all.
The mercury threat persists. In July 2005, EWG reported finding mercury in the cord blood of 10 newborn babies. These findings were echoed by EWG's Human Toxome Project, initiated in late 2006, that found methylmercury in 72 of the 73 people tested.
my story...
Instead of constantly burdening friends and family with all my health excitement, I've decided to blog it, so I can get it out of my head, and hopefully inform others, if nothing else, be a journal for myself.