Thursday, November 19, 2009

chemicals, and their deadly ways...if you care to take notice...

november 2009
With keeping up with the family blog, a new craft blog, this blog has gone untouched for awhile, but I am excited and anxious to spill out more intriguing information, at least to me!

Chemicals are intriguing to me, especially as I go into people's homes, and they have plug-in air fresheners, or at a pool when we see people spraying on sunscreen before swimming, women puting on make-up and especially lip stick, what exactly are we absorbing, breathing, and lathering on?

Well, since I've had health issues for many years, this subject is on my mind all the time. From showering, making sure there's at least no SLS in our haircare products, to using mostly organic make-up that I can get freshly made with no preservatives, and cheaper than the chemical stuff, to the food we eat. It's interesting to me, when people say "organic" is a scam. Is it? I would agree that the way people throw in an organic ingredient so they can post organic on their product is a scam, but how excactly is eating something as close to nature as we can, without harmful toxins and pesticides a scam? Maybe I'm missing something?

I love the Environmental Working Group, or also called EWG. This group is bringing to light some amazing evidence in how our government doesn't regulate the 85,000+ chemicals that companies are free to use as they see fit. They test products people use everyday, and are able to convey how very toxic they can be...did you know that mascara has some really bad chemicals? What about plastics? What plastic have you been drinking from lately, and how much BPA did your body absorb from it? If you want to find out what exactly is in a product you are using, and if it's considered toxic, take a stroll through EWG's site. Very life changing I might add!

Well, because of extensive testing in my life, I found out about some of the metals I'm hosting in my body, but certainly haven't been privy to such extensive testing as this person in the article below. I googled for awhile, found a product that you put in your water, it's tasteless, odorless, and has been proven to effectively remove heavy metals without taking electrolytes your body needs. Through their emails and reports of tests, I was sent this article, that was recently published in Popular Science, and figured, why not share? For anyone else that may possibly care about extending the quality/quantity of life, or at least making better decisions to possibly do so, please read the article. Little everyday decisions can definitely affect how many little chemical buggers and their families you host, and if they will win the battle. Good luck!

My Quest To Analyze Every Man-Made Chemical In My Body